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Swint’s Glint Of An Eye Guitar


Hey Phil.

finished my Custom 61 JR kit i bought from you awhile back.first off let me say your kits are first and finish was perfect.just got through puttin in a Lindy Fralin 9k Pure PAF in it.

Leo Quan Badass,50s wiring.CTS pots and a Bumble the Kluson/Tonepros TKP3 tuners.hers a few pics of my Baby.keep up the good work.will definetly do another some day.

John Swint

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Redfishbum ‘s … ( I ain’t lyin’ ) X marks the spot



Hey Phil,

Finally have some decent pics of the X that my son Daniel and I put together.  Great learning experience for our first time building a guitar.  Daniel loves playing it.

The quality of the kit is amazing right out of the box; fret work is great.  I glued the neck on the body after I finish sanded it up to about 800 grit.  I did not grain fill and did several, probably about 10 very light coats of Tru Oil….wipe on then wipe off.

Humbuckers are Golden Age with a paper in oil 0.022 Cap.   I did drill one hole so that I could thread a soldered ground wire from the bottom of the bridge post and pull it through to ground on the back of one of the pots.

I had the pic gaurd made specifically for this guitar by (I sent them a paper template).

Great product which makes Great guitar!!




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Hans Hartung Baby….

Hi Phil,

finally I managed to tak some better photos of my beloved Junior DC. Feel free to use them on your page:

I love it! It plays so well and sounds just great! By the way … it’s pretty beautiful, too! My final specs: black limba body + neck, ebony fretboard without markers, ebony headstock veneer, Gibson P90 dog ear, Rockinger Harmony wrap around bridge (made from aluminium), bone nut, Kluson tuners. The headstock shows my great-grandfather’s signature (“Hartung”). Body and neck received just 3 coats of Tru Oil – so I kept the pure wooden feeling.

This “Hans Hartung Junior DC” (as I call it) delivers just that sound I want from a Junior type guitar – raw and pure, dynamic and clear! Thank you for your outstanding work! Maybe I will return to you for another kit some day … 🙂

Best regards


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Ben’s Dark Beauty

Hi Phil
So I’ve finished my Les Paul junior kit and thought I’d send you a few pics of the finished product.When the kit arrived I was very happy with the choice and quality of the woods and the fit and finish was fantastic. I soon set about choosing the finish I wanted and what electrics I was going to install.Once everything was done and I first strung the guitar up i strummed a G chord and this guitar just rang like a bell !!! Sustained for days !!! Even when I couldn’t hear the notes I could still feel the strings resonating through the body and this was before I had it plugged into the amp.I went for the look of a famous German luthier who builds a model called the ‘krautster’ and went for a single vintage PAF pup handmade by Mojo pickups here in England. He also made me a custom wiring loom of one tone and one volume with a coil split. Kluson vintage tuners, tone pros wrap around bridge and a bone nut keep this guitar simple but beautiful. It’s surprising how many tones I can get if this single PAF using the volume, tone and coil tap.

I’m now planning my second build and will no doubt be purchasing another kit very soon. Please have a look at the pics if my new favourite pics and thanks for the awesome kit !!

Many thanks Ben


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Violin Maker’s Magnificence – check this out..

Hi Phil,
Here’s a few shots of my guitar now finished.  Being a violin maker, I used the finishing techniques used in violin finishing, including use of scrapers to shape and smooth the wood, use of aqueous gelatin as a sealer, aniline dye as an orange-yellow base color and clear oil varnish with my blends of artist’s oil colors mixed in to achieve the various transparent color hues in the creation of the burst effect.  Most of the finish was hand applied like is done with violin finishing, using no brushes, just a gloved hand to apply the finish, spread and blended with other colors by patting with fingers and thumb.  It is tedious and much slower than spraying but I wanted to see if it worked.  Also one can experiment with just a few grams of varnish to dial in the exact hue desired.   It creates a different effect than spraying, allowing wood grain to show with less of the plastic/opaque look that spraying creates.  I wish I had ordered the more heavily flamed maple front than what I did as it would likely have more intensity of flame that would pop with this type of finishing.  Maybe I will do that on the next one!
I also practiced my silversmithing creating a sterling silver truss rod cover.  It is engraved in raised floral shapes using a technique called repousse which involves dapping three dimensional shapes into the metal from the backside using various shapes and sizes of punches struck with a hammer.  Making that occupied my time while the varnish dried which took several days between coats.  Maybe when I get bored I’ll also engrave the screw heads.
Now it will need several weeks under the u.v. lights to fully cure the varnish.
I am learning to play and so far adapting some of my violin pieces to guitar…it’s the same principle just using  picking/plucking instead of bowing.  Guitar playing with its long cheese-cutter strings is certainly going to make it faster to get my fingertips in shape for playing than the violin does.
My pickups are SD Pearly Gates at the neck and SH4 at the bridge . . . it’s nice and mellow being wired with RS Guitar Works Vintage Upgrade Kit of pots and POI caps.  I also built an 18-watt tube amp which is a perfect complement to the guitar to amplify its vintage sound.
Thanks for building a wonderful guitar.  It was a breeze to put together and finish.  I could not be more pleased with how easy it was to complete.
All the best,
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Shaped Heel with Triple 59 Burst

Our paint guys finished this guitar perfectly. A dual burst on body and neck and headstock.


Hey Phil,
 Just wanted to shoot you a few pics. Besides the incredible finish and fantastic  workmanship this sounds like nothing I’ve heard before. Even my wife said OMG what did you do. This was a really quick build with the excellent finish already done. Neck set so all that has to be done is add the hardware. I did do a burst on some flame maple pickup rings. I put in some Tom Doyle pickups in, he was Les Pauls guitar tech for 45 years. Hand wound aged nickel. Electronics are Martin six string les  paul holy grail with lux bumblebee caps and cts 550 pots. Tuners are Gibson waffle. Gibson roller bridge and tailpiece. This is the ultimate in guitars it will take alot of thought to come up with the next better one.
  Thanks Phil and the rest of the guys
 Don W
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Don’s Winning Won.. Made with eucalyptus wood..

He calls is Vapo… made with a vick’s vaporub smelling wood. It is very cool.. Check out the bridge.. crazy cool…
Hey Phil,
Just wanted to show you what your great craftmanship has done again.

The pickups are sheptone classic. Tailpiece is by tail peace designs, I had to work on that a bit because it was chrome so a little black dye wipe down and seal with satin lacquer .  Pots are cts 550 with bumblebee caps.
Just about have that awesome piece you sent together just waiting on new switch, got a bad one. sounds better than any guitar I have heard Just wait till you see her.
Thank you for turning a thought into reality.
 Thanks again
Don Winfield
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Todd’s Tremendously Roarin’ Rock n Roll Machine

Hey There Phil!

Well, after 4 months, My Junior finally speaks. I should say ROARS.

The quality of the CNC machined body and neck, as well as the finish sanding and fretwork from Precision made for a near ready-to-finish project. I did a little work with grain filler and sanding sealer and then I was off to my homemade spray-booth to apply the Nitro, Gibson Black (Body/headstock), and satin clear nitro to the neck.

I was going for the contrast-y body/neck look of the early Melody Makers. Considering my lack of professional spray equipment I think I hit my mark with the rattlecans. Prep-work, painting and patience were the hardest most time consuming parts of the build. I ended up doing a greatdeal of research on StewMacs site, while waiting for paint to set up or dry. Their finishing shcedule is really easy to follow and incredibly helpful. Also I watched and re-watched the Will Kelly videos from the Precision site. The more I read and viewed, the more confident I became. I was a little nervous on decal application day, as I didn’t want to screw up the guitar’s identity.

The Guitar is named after my great grandmother, Violet Follwell. I think I will be using Follwell as my “brand” for all future builds.

By the time the Nitro had cured to the point I was ready for polishing and assembly, the parts were rolling in from all over. The UPS, FedEx or postal worker was dropping little cardboard gifts on the front porch almost daily. It was an exciting time. Some of the parts were supplied by Precision, while others were ordered through StewMac, Philadelphia Luthier or All Parts. Here’s the list:


  • ’58 doublecut junior
  • Reranch Nitrocellulose: satin clear,  black
  • Tonepros inline tuners
  • Backplate
  • Cream pickguard
  • Cream Jack plate and P-90 cover
  • Gold and silver  top hat knobs
  • Unbleached bone nut
  • Gotoh aluminum wraparound tailpiece and studs (asian specs)
  • Wolfetone P-90 “Meaner” (incredible pickup)
  • Tundratone- Junior wiring harness 500k Vol., 250k Tone (Steve does tremendous work. If you’re going to be gigging, his work is nearly bombproof. The solder work is art.
  • Strap Buttons
  • Custom Gold Decals and Trussrod cover ebay sellers


Tools that I needed too:

  • Nut Seating File 3/8”
  • Hiroshima Nut Files
  • Caliper
  • Machinists ruler/straight edge


Assembly and setup went very smoothly. One day for careful installations and a second day for setup. Again I took to YouTube to watch soldering videos and practiced soldered some beat up, old guitar cables that I had been meaning to fix for a while.

I couldn’t be more pleased with the results. Violet looks just the way I imagined she would. The action is low and fast and the satin finish on the neck and neck diameter give it a great worn-in, vintage feel. The master design and fit of the kit, as well as the fretwork applied by Precision made the build nearly worry-free. The only things I’m still in the hunt for is a hard case and more time to turn up the amp and play her.

I will definitely build another.

I am attaching a sample of some of the photos of the finished product and a few of the process.

Thanks again, Phil!



[ngallery id=131]

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So cool from Chile…

Hi PhilIt took me some time to finish my guitar project but I’m very happy and proud how it ended.
Last year I bought my first kit from you and decided to build a unique guitar with a forest design I had in mind.

I love the sound and wanted to have a guitar to play metal and heavy rock. I’m a 59 Carved Top style user and wanted to keep that sound.

This guitar is loaded with EMG Hetfield Pack, Grover tuners, tonepros wraparound, 10-52 strings, Drop C, and a very comfortable 60’s neck.

I’ve enjoyed it for a month and I’m really impressed with his quality and heavy sound.

Thank you very much for doing excellent kits and make my dream come true!!

I hope you like it!

Best Regards from Chile!

Jose Luis

This is what I bought:

59 Carved Top | Customized
Wood Species: Mahogany – African, Body Construction: 1 Piece. Body Type: Chambered, Maple Caps: Plain Maple Cap , Pick-Up Rout: Humbucker, Control Cavity Configuration: Control only with 2 pots, Bridge Set Up: Wraparound , Binding: Neck Binding – White, Fret Board Species: Rosewood, Fret Board Markers: Block, Tuner Holes: 10 mm, Frets: Jescar 45/100, Headstock Profile: Paddle Headstock, Neck Back Profile: 60’s Slim, Right Hand or Lefty: Right Handed.

Art Design by my cousin Andres Giordano (Top Ten Tattoo artist in Chile):
Cover Painting by Miguel Angel Larre
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Roy’s Royal Rock’n Rocket…:)

Hello Phil,

As promised, some pictures of my completed ’59 carved top double cut.

But first, let me say that I’ve never worked with woods or wood finishing, and I learned how to solder only a few months ago. So this project represented a “learning by doing” opportunity. I think I made almost every mistake in the book along the way, each time a valuable, if occasionally frustrating lesson. But I discovered that there’s almost no mistake you can’t back up from and redo it right. And the end result — while it might not look as pretty as some of your other customers’ work — is all my own. And I can say with pride that I built it. Not to mention . . . the guitar sounds fantastic!

Some stats:

  • ’59 double cut carved top custom kit (plain maple cap on mahogany with 60’s profile neck and rosewood fingerboard)
  • Bullseye amber shellac (1 pound cut) and Minwax paste wax finish
  • Grover 18:1 vintage “milk bottle” tuners
  • Graph Tech aged TUSQ XL nut
  • TonePros LP Artisan locking Tunomatic bridge and tailpiece
  • Custom-ordered, calibrated set of “Blue Note” spec, Bare Knuckle humbucker-sized P-90 pickups (thanks, Ben French in the UK)
  • 500k CTS True Vintage Taper audio potentiometers
  • .022 / .047 (neck/bridge) 100v Orange Drop tone capacitors
  • Switchcraft short, 3-way toggle switch and mono jack
  • Custom-ordered 0-11 amber top hat knobs

Thanks very much, Phil, for your support during my build. I’ll definitely be buying another kit from you soon. As much as I don’t need another guitar, I had way too much fun building this one not to try another kit.

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Onstott’s Onslaught….make it sing!

Hi phill.
My guy at Earic guitar shop in van nuys was raving on how nice your guitar was very nicely built hasn’t seen this Quality in quite sometime and the fit of the neck couldn’t of been any better. Made me smile as I’m sure it just did for you. It will be ready for pickup tomorrow then I’ll finish off the staining and clear coat water sand buff and polish and I’ll have so pics. For you.
Thank you so much, you guys are truly guitar gods.
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Waskin’s Wow….

HI Phil

Here are the parts used:

neck cherry stain and satin finish
body fron and back natural high gloss  ( sanded to 1500 grit)
Headstock maple insert in the ebony
Tonepros Kluson tuners (gold)
Alnico II Pro Slash Seymour Duncan pickup/ with Seymour Duncan gold covers soldered and waxed
500k pots with Bumblebee caps (vintage wired with cloth wrapped wire)
Tusq nut
Greasy Groove gray translucent pickguard
Tonepros AVTII bridge (gold)
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Making guitars…..

I was at a singer songwriter show last and young man named Scott Cook ( no relation ) played a song of his that I found so wonderful and heartfelt. Scott’s song spoke to what we, you and I as guitar makers, do. That we take time, care and effort to make something worthwhile, a  beautiful a fine instrument that will be a legacy of ours.

I hope you enjoy this as much as I did..

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Praise on painting…..

Hey Phil, I received painted lady on Friday in great shape. Thanks for the great packing job!!! As soon as I opened it and got my first look my jaw dropped!!! The fit and finish was second to none!! The burst was just as I expected, the 2 piece back was so well matched it looked like one piece!! The neck and finger board were perfect and the thickness of the neck was just right for my big hands!! I took it to my go to man at Frets and he could also not believe the quality [as well as the other 15 people in his shop at the time] and he’s been been setting up and repairing guitars for over 20 years!!!

Your shop got a lot of great praise that day!!! I can’t force myself to put a pick guard on that awesome top!!!! It will be finished in about 3 weeks do to how busy he is at Frets but as soon as I get it I will send pics. I can’t thank you enough for such a great guitar and I will be back for more.

Thanks Phil Billy S


My guitar arrived today and I wanted to say thank you.
The guitar is flawless! and everything I was expecting. From the paint finish, the fretwork, binding, inlays and routing.. everything is absolutely first class. It really was worth the wait!

I will be sure to send you some pictures of the completed guitar when it is done in a few weeks. I’m just waiting for a few more items and it will be off to my guitar tech.

Once again, many thanks.



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Reto’s Howlin’ Wolf….

Hey Phil
As promised: Here some pictures of my Howling Wolf. It is my new love.
You did a great job with the wood. The quality of your work and the wood is awesome. With the bridge i had some difficulties. First they forgot to send it, then it took ages to come – they probably forgot to send it twice – and then it didn’t fit in the holes you drilled. Imagine! Now it’s done and i am happy with the guitar. I bet you can tell, why i call it “Howling Wolf“.
Kind regards
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Fred’s Fantastically Cool Machine

Hi Phil

finally had time to send you pics of my latest build, my mac crashed a month ago so this is the first time I could send them to you

Although I did not expect it I love the 60ties neck shape, I always love really big necks but this one just feels so comfortable
the body, korina was weight relieved and it is as light as a feather without feeling flimsy
the floyd is a perfect addition on this les paul and it is one of the most versatile guitars I have (and i do have another 150 guitars )
I already had several offers for this one but it is surely a keeper !

btw there is no need for the upbend cavity under the floyd, due to the neck angle the floyd sits high enough to never touch the body even with the lowest action and the floyd being pulled completely up


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A most magnificent collaboration…

so…. here is our guitar, our finishing and our customers most ‘fn awesome putting it all together. This is where his head is at…:)


I purchased a kit from PGK solely based on customer reviews .
I would like to Thank Phil and Kevin for an amazing product and amazing customer service . A very special thanks to Master Painter John Regehr  , the paint and gloss job are phenomenal.
I bugged Phil for weeks with Emails, asking him everything under the sun and Phil always got back to me.
I knew I would not be able to do the paint and gloss the way I really wanted it ,  so I turned to Phil , Phil said No Worries we got it covered .
To everyone out there –  PGK knows what they are doing , if you really want a guitar that looks , feels and plays like you spent $5000.00 dollars on it , Go with PGK
if you No Not know how to do the finishing ( paint & gloss & sanding sealer ) Go with PGK

Thank You Guys for the Guitar of my Dreams

Michael – Wisconsin USA


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Dr. John Tribute in DE house…

Hi Phil

Well its finally finished! Many thanks to you guys for all of your efforts.
I’m not much of a photographer but I have included a few pictures for your
website so others can see how awesome PGK kits can be. I had it assembled by
one of the best guitar techs in the UK to make sure it plays and sounds as
good as it looks.

Precision Guitar Kits Contoured heel & belly cut Les Paul – 60’s slim neck
Painted by you guys!
Faber Aluminium tailpiece
Faber Bridge & hardware
Faber keystone tuners
David Barfuss “Beano Bluesbreaker” Alnico 5 pickups
Gibson plastics
Gold speed knobs
CTS 500k 5% TVT pots
Alpha 500k push / push
Switchcraft selector and jack
Schaller strap locks
Luxe Bumble Bee Woman Tone .015mfd & .022mfd capacitors
Wired for the bridge pickup to be coil tapped

In the word of Arnie: “I’ll be back”!!!!

Kind Regards
Gene Thomas


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Dan’s Damn Fine Delight

Hey Phil,

 the guitar is nearly finished 🙂 Today I will put the electronics in and the nut and tuners…. the finish turned out very well (the picture doesn’t do any justice.
I’m now gasing for a LP junior and a telecaster… but the Tele made of mahogany with 2 P90 and the mounts for a half tele bridge – can you offer this? I couldn’t select mahogany in the custom tele selector.
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Guitar Man’s Tribute..

Hello Phil.

I want to thank you and your staff at Precision guitar for the beautiful kit I’ve received.

This is the first guitar I have build.
I really liked the experience and will do it again.
I’ve included a picture of my “Green Day tribute doublecut”.
Here is what I did.
First of all, no grain filling, I wanted to be a punk guitar.
The tuner are Gotoh Vintage-style Oval Knob 3+3 Tuners.
The bridge is an Adjustable Wraparound Bridge
I wanted to have a guitar with a P90 Pickup. I really liked the sound of Tesla P90 and that’s the one I choose.
And as you can see, I have the American Idiot and the 2 skulls from 21st Century Breakdown logo on the guit and the pickguard.
My fav color is black and white, so, I choose to make it black with white frost burst.
The back is gloss and the front is satin finish.
Finished it 2 days ago and had my first battle scare yesterday, dropped it and have a bump in the back as you can see.
But it doesn’t matters, it’s a punk guitar after all.
I hope you’ll enjoy my pics. Don’t be to critics on my work please, it’s my first, and not the last, guitar ever build.

Looking forward to do business with you again.

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Erics Now Best Guitar

Hey there Phil, I finished up my kit a few weeks ago and haven’t been able to put it down since. This guitar truly was a piece of art before I did anything to it. So satisfied with this guitar. The fret work is the best of any of the guitars I own or have played for that matter.  Definitely learned a lot along the way and made my fair share of mistakes but I wouldn’t change a thing about my first build. Loved every step of the process. My new favorite guitar, I plan to build another one before too long!

Here’s the specs on the thing:
  • Non Chambered – Two piece body
  • Plain maple cap – Mahogany back and neck
  • 60’s Neck
  • Ebony Board
  • Cream bound body and neck
  • One switch (where I like it), one volume, one tone, no bull sh*t
  • Body Top finish – General Finishes java gel stain
  • Neck – Minwax jacobean
  • Back and sides – Just try oil, all finished with tru oil 
  • Tuners – Sperzel trim-lok
  • Nut – Graph tech tusq
  • Pickups – Neck – Gibson 496R/Bridge – Gibson 500T
  • Bridge – Gotoh with Titanium saddles
  • Tailpiece – Gibson TP-6
  • Pots – CTS 500k
  • Cap – Paper-in-oil
  • Pickguard – WD music
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unpotted bare knuckle mules make her snort like a wild hog!

Gotta be the best line I’ve heard in a while…:)

Hi Phil

I wanted to drop you a line to thank you for the superb “bones” you supplied that have now become my weapon of choice.
She’s a dark cherry burst with tonepros bridge and tuner hardware..quite a looker. When unplugged in this guitar is so resonant and well crafted its almost as loud as an acoustic…
And plugged in, the pair of raw nickel unpotted bare knuckle mules make her snort like a wild hog!
The nitro finish is superb thanks to Greg in Modesto for his artistry – have a look at that gloss.