This is Keith’s first build.
Here is the order of what he did to the quilted maple cap. Ends up being beautiful.
Pic 1
Here it is dyed with red mahogany dye as the base layer
Pic 2
Here is the first colour session. You can see where the colour absorbed more on the perimeter in some places, so it was destined for another layer.
Pic 3
Here is the how the final dye session turned out. I found that I had to over-concentrate the dye about four times the recommended strength that the dye suggested in order to get the yellow to come forward the way I wanted. Like I said, I will send you a good picture of the finished product all strung up with close to eight hours playing time on it. I just have to go take it first. I just finished it up last Sunday at about 11pm, so it is still adjusting to string tension, but man does it sound great.
Pic 4
Here is a photo of it before I strung it up. It’s strung up now but I don’t have any photos of it as it stands. The sound and sustain is incredible, I used all vintage pots and resistors so I could get an old school vintage sound. Can’t beat the sound of a vintage guitar so that’s what I was going for, and I achieved it.
He is going to send me along some pics of it strung up. Will post them when I get them.